Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jess Miller (Day 10 of #30daysoflittlethings Challenge)

Today, I am thankful for Jess Miller. So here is a letter to you Jess...

Where do I even begin? I know that you are aware that I am thankful for you, I try my hardest to tell you every single day. But really, I am so thankful for you! It is crazy knowing that it took us three years to start talking to each other, and four years to actually start hanging out. Now here we are, exactly in the place we have always wanted to be in, and what we have always prayed for. I have always prayed for someone to come into my life to help me draw closer to God and even me out so that we may serve God and others, someone who I know has a strong relationship with God and makes it evident through their lifestyle, someone who loves God more than anything, and someone who makes sure we focus our relationship on God because He should always be the center...and I am thankful that someone is you.

I am thankful for the times I get to have with you. Even though right now we aren't able to see each other everyday like we want so badly, it allows us to appreciate the times we have together even more. The distance is good. Like Mikael has said, it allows us to find ourselves through Christ and not in each other. It allows us to focus more on the people around us, and to be honest, it helps us grow together even more. (But I still can't wait until I am able to see you everyday)

I am thankful for your goofiness and how you can always succeed at making me laugh. With you "calling" me on the cell phone you made out of a caprisun pouch, having a short 10 second conversation then "hanging up". Attempting to impress me by jumping over things, and opening my doors and carrying objects for me because you don't want me to "overexert" myself. 

I'm thankful for times where we are able to watch cartoons and drink soda from fancy chalices from the church kitchen. For the times we are able to go on road trips to Gothenburg, and meet up with your friends Jon and Daniel to watch a movie. I'm thankful for our deep conversations on the way, and for our deep conversations in general, because they are so important to the both of us.

I am thankful for your heart. It is so big and beautiful. You care for others, and you are aware of their feelings. I love seeing you with your nieces and how you gush over them and care for them. I'm especially thankful for your heart for God. You take your talents and you glorify him with them and you give back to God through that. To me that is so beautiful, and I have always loved that about you.

There is so much more I could say, but it all boils down to the fact that I am thankful for YOU. Thank you for everything you do for me, for supporting me and caring for me, and for pushing me towards Christ. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us.

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